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Colombia Buesaco Pequeños

Colombia Buesaco Pequeños

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
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250 grams

This coffee blends seven producers’ coffees together. Husband and wife duo Nilson and Lida Cielo Lopez farm in the outskirts of Buesaco, and Lida Cielo’s sister Edilma’s farm is just down the road from theirs. Father and daughter Fidencio and Francy Castillo farm in Arboleda, north of Buesaco. Fabian Urbano farms outside of Aponte. Finally, Yorgeny Torres farms outside of La Unión.

There’s been a bit of a craze for honey-processed coffees around Nariño. Some of this comes from the town of Aponte, which is located almost entirely on top of a seismic fault- earthquakes have actively shifted the ground, causing the whole town to sink into the earth. Entire sections of the town have had to be relocated, and many producers have had to make new homes. Because of the ongoing seismic activity, water has not been reliable in Aponte, and some producers there have culturally shifted to doing honey processed coffees- meaning that they de-pulp the coffees, but don’t use water to wash them- the coffees just go straight out to dry.

We're tasting soft mixed berry jam, refreshing kiwi, and brown sugar

Where: Buesaco, Nariño, Colombia
Varieties: Field Blend (Caturra, V.Colombia)
Processing: Honey 
Harvest: August 2023

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